June 4, 2011, The Goliards at the Ships of the Sea Museum
We’ll be doing a “Best of Goliards” concert for a free concert with refreshments in the beautiful garden at the Ships of the Sea Museum in downtown Savannah. Singers Cuffy Sullivan and Jonathan Brazel, John Hillenbrand on vielle and violin, Jonathan Brazel on recorders, and myself on symphonie and my English Bentside Spinet harpsichord. Yes, I’ve managed to get the Goliards to venture into “modern” music, dragging them into the 17th century! Also, yes, I’m breaking my rule about not taking a harpsichord to an outdoor performance.
7:30 p.m. The Ships of the Sea Museum, 41 Martin Luther King Blvd., Savannah, GA
For more information see: www.shipsofthesea.org