No, I wasn’t doing nothing for a year and a half! Senior Editor and contributor for the 2nd Edition of the Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments.
Yes, I played quite a few concerts during this time with The Goliards and The Savannah Childrens Choir, as well as with the Savannah Philharmonic Chamber Music Series, and I gave talks. So why have I not updated this website? For the last several years, I was serving as a Senior Editor and contributor to the 2nd edition of the Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments for Oxford University Press. As you might imagine it took a LOT of time! What a great job it was though. I was in charge of all stringed keyboard instruments, as well as many organs, a few odds and ends, and all the Electronics and many of the Acoustics and other unusual modern creations. We wrapped up in June 2013 and since then I’ve been playing catch up in my workshop. I may or may not get around to putting in the performances and the like from the last couple years as really do need to work on my instrument queue and practice for the next concerts!