WRUU, Savannah Music Local and Sustainable: Interview with Dave Lake

Kathleen Turner, Leah Dutton, and myself joined Dave Lake of WRUU about our Sept. 26th Concert for Bach Ascending.   You can read about the concert here:   https://wp.me/p5e5DG-13

and hear the interview:  https://www.wruu.org/broadcasts/53386

Nov. 9, 2017 Savannah Baroque Interview on WTOC: Live in the Morning

On Nov.9 at 10 in the morning, Eric Caines, baroque oboe and myself will appear on WTOC’s Live in the Morning show to talk about Savannah Baroque and our upcoming concert on Nov. 12 at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Savannah.  We plan to make a little live music too. Wish us luck!



Audio recording on the web

Here’s a recording of mine on the web, at the Piano Technicians Journal. This page has links to audio files that support articles in the Piano Technicians Journal.

Der Klavierstimmer Kommt (The Piano Tuner Comes) by Theodor Kirchner, performed by Anne Acker.- November 2007
