Westfield Center Guest Presenter at Cornell CCHK Workshop
July 30-August 2, 2024: I was delighted to be invited to do a presentation at the Cornell Center for Historic Keyboards under the auspices of the Westfield Center for Keyboard Studies with my Hood Acker replica of an 1816 Nannette Streicher fortepiano. Attendees at the Workshop included many piano technicians wishing to learn about early pianos as well as students of and performers on early pianos. I gave a slide presentation and discussion of the place of a piano like my replica both within the Stein/Streicher piano building legacy and instruments of today, along with views into the process of construction. I then played 3 compositions by Nannette Streicher on my piano that demonstrated how it reflected well the Stein/Streicher touch and tonal aesthetic choices and design.

Nov. 18, 2017: Master Class Recital, Sumter, SC
I am pleased to announce I have been invited to return to Trinity United Methodist Church in Sumter, SC to give another Master Class at with short lecture adapted to the audience, and a mini-recital. We had great fun last time, working with students from 10 to teens to adults past the age of telling.
Nov. 18, 2017
1 p.m.
Trinity United Methodist Church
226 W. Liberty St.
Sumter, SC 29150
Attended The Westfield Center Conference: The Forte/Piano, Cornell University, Aug. 5-9, 2015
I attended Forte/Piano, a once in a lifetime gathering of the world’s many of the greatest lovers of the historical piano including performers, scholars, and builders. Words cannot express. It was an honor and a privilege.
Mar. 5, 2006 Harpsichord and Fortepiano Master Class & Presentation
Presentation : “Harpsichord and Fortepiano Master Class and Presentation” Savannah Music
Teachers Association, 2 p.m.
Limited Participation. call Anne.
Armstrong Atlantic University, Fine Arts Building. See http:///www.armstrong.edu for directions